Friday, September 13, 2013

Assginment 9-13-13

1. Kevin Cosgrove
Dad-of-three Kevin, 45, was one of the few people still on the line to emergency services as the South Tower collapsed. The Aon Corporation vice president’s frantic call ended abruptly with screams and the sound of debris falling on him. Hearing the actual last words of this victim makes it more personal. It makes it seem like I was actually there on that horrible day.

2. Melissa Harrington Hughes-

Melissa Hughes makes a call to her husband that is still in bed to tell him that she loves him and will always love him. She then makes a call to her dad, telling him what happened and that she loves him. This, again, makes it more personal. It makes you think about what the person on the other end of that phone went through.

3. Brian Nunez-

Brian Nunez was struggling to breathe when he tried to ring brother Neal twice, but his brother Neal was asleep, coming home from a nighshift. Brian told his brother in a message that a plane crashed into the Trade Center, and that it was on fire. He said to tell everyone that he loves them, and if he doesn't get out, goodbye. His brother, Neal has always wondered how that call would have gone. It really makes you think about what the people left behind went through. It hurts to know that for some of these people, they never got to say goodbye.

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