Thursday, April 10, 2014


U.S. prominently white today
Populations that have grown: African American, Asian American, Hispanic American
African Americans: suffered unjust treatment longer- 14% of people in U.S.--equality led by African Americans
-6 million Native Americans-Indian Education Act of 1972-help the Native Americans
-Hispanic Americans-Spanish speaking background-50 million in U.S.- divided by four subgroups: Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rico, Central and South

-Chinese laborers were the first Asians to come to America in large numbers in 1850-1860's-- often faced violence because white workers were unhappy
-World War II all Japanese were evacuated to pacific coast even native born/concentration camps
-congress changed its ways realized was unjust

-those who oppose civil rights often believe you cant change morality by passing a law
-1870-1890's no meaningful legislation passed in regards to civil rights
-Civil Rights Act of 1964- passed after longest debate in senate history (83 days)-- made changes- voting provisions, public services could no longer deny access based on race, religion, etc, federal funding programs could not discriminate for same reasons, employers and labor unions could not discriminate
-Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Open Housing Act) could not refuse renting/selling living space to any person due to discrimination
-Housing still one of the most segregated areas in American life today
-Affirmative Action-employers must meet quotas for minority groups/genders, reverse discrimination-discrimination against the majority group denied opportunities so minority groups have more opportunities

-an American citizen is a person that swears allegiance to the united states
-before 1860's citizenship was not important to people living in the united states
-constitution declares a person can become an American citizen by birth or through naturalization
-90% of Americans are citizens by birth
-voluntarily abandon citizenship-called expatriation
-quota for immigration-limits the number of people allowed from each country/territory
-immigration act of 1965-did away with quota system allowed 270,000 immigrants to united states special preference given to immediate family in united states
-deportation-legal process by which aliens are required to leave the country

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Heterogeneous- society is composed of diff people or cultures.
Immigrant- LEGAL alien from a diff country
Reservation- public land given to the native Americans by the u.s. govt
Refugee- go to a new land seeking protection
Assimilation-adapting to the majorities culture

Thursday, March 20, 2014


  1. Inferior courts were created to function beneath the Supreme Court.
  2. District Courts
    1. District courts are the federal trial courts- 677 judges handle more than 350,000 cases per year- 80%of the federal caseload.
  3. There are 94 district courts.
  4. Breakdown
    1. 12 judicial courts
    2. each district is further divided into district courts
  5. secret courts
    1. there are two little-known about multi-judge panels that play a key role in ongoing effects to combat terrorism in the U.S. & abroad.
    2. FISA meet in secret and are entitled to secret search warrants.
  6. District Court Jurisdiction
    1. the district court do not hear cases within original jurisdiction of the supreme court
    2. district courts hear both criminal and civil cases
    3. in criminal cases the us is always the prosecutor. in civil cases the us can either by the plaintiff or defendant.
    4. most decisions in the federal district courts are final-meaning the cases start and end there.
  7. Court of Appeals
    1. these courts were created by congress to relieve the supreme court of hearing all appealed cases
    2. normally 3-judge panels
  8. court of international trade
    1. a federal trial court only tries civil cases that arise out of the nation's customs and other trade related laws.
    2. 9 judges- chief justice appointed by the president and senate.

bellringer 3-20

I agree with Judicial restraint more cause I feel that the law is the law for a reason.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Supreme Court Justice Selector

Breyer, Stephen Gerald (Nominated by Bill Clinton)   (70%)

bellringer 3-19

What is your opinion of Flight 370's disappearance?
I think its kind of freaky

Is this an issue that should concern America?
I guess in a way it should be concerned

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

bellringer 3-18

1.  explain the situation dealing with Ukraine and Crimea.
Ukraine has Crimea but Russia wants it back

 2.  Do you think the US should be involved in the situation? 
honestly no I don't I think we should just stay on the side lines

bellringer 3-12

1. Why did air traffic control fail to notify authorities that plane was so far off route.
cause they felt as if it wasnt a threat.

2. Research and explain possible causes for the problems with the plane.
it could be a hijacking

bellringer 3-11

1. Should pharmaceutical companies put people ahead of profits?
YES!!! they should.

2. Should government be able to compel pharmaceutical companies to provide life saving medicines?

bellringer 3-10

1. Summarize what you believe to be important in the budget.
that the poor needs reduced taxes

2. Who benefits the most from the proposed budget?
i feel that the tax payers benefit the most

Thursday, March 6, 2014


 Executive branch
Includes the president, vice president, and his cabinet
Responsible for carrying out the law
The president is the head of the executive branch

Roles of the president
Chief of state
Chief executive
Chief administrator
Chief diplomat

Roles cont.
Commander in chief
Chief legislator
Chief or party Chief citizen

Formal Qualifications
Be a natural born citizen
Be at least 35
Have lived within the united states for at least 14

Presidential term
Consists of 4 year term
originally there was no formal limit on the president's term
George Washington set the precedent
FDR broke this precedent by seeking and winning 4 straight terms in office

Presidential pay
determined by congress
cannot be increased or decreased during a presidential term
the president may not receive any other pay for work

In Case of Disability
in event of a disability the vice president assumes role of president

The Vice President
Know as the president in waiting
balancing the votes

Vice Presidential Succession
First to used by Nixon to replace spiro

The Electoral College
originally cast 2 electoral votes

Election of 1800
They both tied in the election

12th amendment
so there wont be a tie agian

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bellringer 3-3

if the president dies what do you think the order of succsession is?


Friday, February 28, 2014

Bellringer 2/28

does this violate our freedom of speech?
In a way it does. But I see where thery're coming from...

should we allow our schools to have this much power over dress?
I dont see why not I mean theres some schools that just have uniforms just so stuff like this dont happen.

Does the attempt to prevent violence change your stance?
yes. they just want to keep the peace in there school.

Bellringer 2/27

Are college athletes employees of the university?
No they are not. they're students

should they be paid why or why not?
No they should'nt there the ones that wanted to play the sport its there choice

Bellringer 2/11

Give a rough outline of your bill. What are the provisions and how are they going to be paid for?

My bill is about trying to get more jobs in america and steadly drop the unemployment rate at the same time. the way were going to pay for this is by raising the tax on tobacco and alcohol.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bellringer 2/10

Give three facts and the state name you are representing in our mock congress.


1. Capital: Harrisburg
2. Minimum wage: 7.25 USD per hour (January 1, 2012)
3.Secretary of State: Carol Aichele

Bellringer 2/7

If you could make a law about anything what would you write a law about?

hmmmmmm... thats a question. i guess a ban on cigarettes

Bellringer 2/5

does the government have a right to restrict what people on food stamps are buying? why or why not?

I guess they do.. I mean they restrict and control everthing else

Bellringer 2/4

does this story show a breach in first amendment rights?

I dont know if it really does.

what can your congressmen do about this?

i dont think theres anything that he can really do about this

Bellringer 1/31

would you build the keystone pipeline even if it had adverse environmental affects?

I don't know.. its a hard topic to get into. I mean with some of the problems we had with oil spills in the past. what if the pipe busted? that could be a big issue. so im goin to say no

Bellringer 1/20

would 2 inches do that here?
No cause everyone here is use to having at least 10 inches of snow.

can you imagine living in a place where nobody is used to the snow?

yes I can. i guess il be the only one who knows how to drive in the snow :p

do you find these stories funny, appalling, sad?

I acutally think there alittle funny and sad. its funny that the city wasnt ready at all. but sad for the drivers

Bellringer 1/17

Is the coach justified in suing the player? if not where do we draw the line with lawsuits?

No the coach is not justified in any way to sue this kid. And where we draw the line? I honestly dont know maybe if the coach had a legit reason like the kid purosally threwed his bat a the coachs legs... something like that. Then I think that the kid should get sued.

Bellringer 1/16

Does this study surprise you why or why not?

Have you seen the same effects within Barbour County as the study claims is happening throughout the nation

Yes it did surprise me cause who would have thought that teens would actually take this show to heart and decide to be safer while having sex or just to start abstinence.

Actually yes I have. I remember my freshman year there were at least 10 to 15 girls that were pregant but now its been droping each year.

Bellringer 1/15

who is your favorite president and why?

Ulysses S. Grant, just for the simple fact that he has the same name as me and also cause he was a pretty kick butt military commander in the american civil war

Thursday, January 16, 2014

senate outline

The Senate
The Upper House of Congress
Intended to not be bound totally by popular opinion
A continuous body:   there's never a time when all seats are relected                                                             
Term Length: 6 years                                  
Term Limit:  none             
Originally elected by  state legislatures                                          
17 Amendment changed procedures to election by voters.
Before this amendment the Senate was nicknamed the    millionaires club   due too the purchasing of seats.
Only one senator for each state is elected at any given election
  1. 30 years of age 
  2.  inhabitant of state
  3. lived in U.S. for 9 years
  1. Money
Other Senators can exclude a member with a majority vote
This has been done on   3       occasions
Senators  have the power to punish their colleagues for disorderly conduct
With a      2/3               vote the senate can expel one of its members
This has been done    15          times
14 of which were during the          civil war