Thursday, March 6, 2014


 Executive branch
Includes the president, vice president, and his cabinet
Responsible for carrying out the law
The president is the head of the executive branch

Roles of the president
Chief of state
Chief executive
Chief administrator
Chief diplomat

Roles cont.
Commander in chief
Chief legislator
Chief or party Chief citizen

Formal Qualifications
Be a natural born citizen
Be at least 35
Have lived within the united states for at least 14

Presidential term
Consists of 4 year term
originally there was no formal limit on the president's term
George Washington set the precedent
FDR broke this precedent by seeking and winning 4 straight terms in office

Presidential pay
determined by congress
cannot be increased or decreased during a presidential term
the president may not receive any other pay for work

In Case of Disability
in event of a disability the vice president assumes role of president

The Vice President
Know as the president in waiting
balancing the votes

Vice Presidential Succession
First to used by Nixon to replace spiro

The Electoral College
originally cast 2 electoral votes

Election of 1800
They both tied in the election

12th amendment
so there wont be a tie agian

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