Tuesday, October 29, 2013

belringer 10-29-13

1.  Do you feel the "fat test" is legal?
I guess it could be legal but I feel is not legal

 2.  Does your weight make you "fit"?
No I don't think it does. being fit to me is being able to do all the exercises

 3.  How would you handle this issue if you were the government? 
Id drop out

Monday, October 28, 2013

Bellringer 10-28-13

1. Read the article and write your initial response.
I've always known what the confederate flag meant and I think that people she have a better education on this flag alone.

 2.  Do you feel that the writer is correct in his opinion?
I do I feel as if he was correct with every part of his opinion.

 3.  Why do you feel their is still an issue with the confederate flag still nearly 150 years later? 
Yes I do cause there's people that do know what it means but they will still wear it or show it proudly. which there's really nothing wrong about wearing it or showing it but when you try to be racist or think you better then any other race then it becomes an issue. with this flag for some people its a reminder to what happen and to some its an excuse to be racist.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

5-2 assignment

Origins  (to 1800)

Antifederalists: Was against the government 
democrat-republican party 

Federlaists: they believed in a strong central government 
The rich and the well born 


Democrats: Believed in political and social equality 
Franklin Roosevelt
Whigs: opposed to the tenets of the Jacksonian democracy 
Henry clay and Daniel Webster


Democrats: Believed in political and social equality 
African Americans, south 
Republicans: believed in people having their own role in society
 William Howard Taft and Theodore Roosevelt                  


Democrats:  Believed in political and social equality 
Franklin Roosevelt 
Republicans:believed in people having their own role in society
President Jimmy Carter

Bellringer 10-17

1.  The shut down is over, so what's next?
all we can do is to just wait and see what happens now

Bellringer 10-16

1.  Should the two girls be charged?  yes or no and explain your answer
I really don't think they should be cause they didn't kill her with there own hands. i mean that they kill they girl with a weapon 

2.  What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?

A felony can usually lead to death but a misdemeanor is a year or less in jail. I think.  

3.  What one thing do you think should be done to combat bullying? 

I honestly don't know maybe just keep an better eye one the students and there behaviors to try to prevent bullying

Bellringer 10-15

how do we keep events like this from happening?

Well this is one of those that you don't know what to do. I mean if your a grown man or woman you should know that little kids hear things and they repeat them they don't know what it even means at that age. But if you get offend by a nine year old boy then you should be working near them or with them.

Bellringer 10-14

Summarize the article, and explain how this protest differed from earlier protests at the WWII Memorial.

I guess because it was over the government shutting down and they weren't happy that they got the short end of the stick. They probably fell that no matter what the ww2 memorial should all ways be open no matter whats going on in the country 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

bellring 10-22-13

1.  Do you believe this is a frivolous law suit?  Why or why not?
I thinks its just stupid. The guy clearly doesn't have anything wrong with him

 2,  On another note, do you believe the men who toppled the rock should be charged with destruction of property?  Why or Why not?  
Umm I don't know I guess they could but its not like it was on someone's property but I guess they could if he was at a national park. I don't know

Monday, October 21, 2013


1. Why is it so hard to break away from devices?
cause its apart of our lives and we are so attach to the devices that we have in today society

2. Could you survive without your devic(s)?
yeah I could I love the out doors and I love walking it would be nice if there was a day when we all went outside.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

people making a differance

Alice Paul- main leader of a woman's right organization, grew up in jersey

Margaret Sanger- she was big into birth control, also a racist

Deganawida- all about spiritual healing and stuff, Great peace maker

Andrew Carnegie- Born in Scotland, Made very good investments

Eva Peron- born on may 7th in 1919, helped woman and the working class and died at 33

Harriet Beecher- born on june 13, mom passed when she was 4

John Keynes- thought that the government should give everyone man, was a bisexual

Francis Willard- working with women rights, know for her help with the 18th and 19th

Eugene Debbs- quiet school at 14 to work, died from a heart frailer, president of American railway union

Betty Williams- co founder of community of peace people, and won the noble peace price

Emmelime Pankhurst- arrested many time for hunger strikes, died a few weeks after British woman was granted rights to vote

Helena Rubinstein- started cosmic line, 1953 established a foundation that helped out with funds for different organizations

Edward Jenner- studied surgery when he was 14, cured smallpox

Deloris Huerta-earned honors, organized farmers

Tagore- 1913 won noble prize, 1941 he died in a friends house

Dorothy Hodgkin-born may 12th 1910, very big chemist

Friday, October 11, 2013

bellringer 10-11-13

1.  Is it fair to force the states to pay something that is the responsibility of the national government? 
No its not the government should be paying its a national park its the government responsibility.
2. I don't know what I would like to visit I would like to visit them all cause they are part of history. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

bellringer 10-10-13

1.  What does this say about the state of our legislative branch?
well our state is being stupid I really have nothing else to say about this situation
2.  If you were the Speaker of the House, how would you rectify this situation? 
I wouldn't the government has shut down so why would I have to do anything.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bellringer 10-9-13

1.  Do you think there should be a limit on campaign contributions?  Why or Why not
Yes, cause everyone should have a equal chance

 2.  How does this deal with the issue of free expression that we discussed in class?
putting regulation on this will be crossing it a little cause its their money and business so they can do what ever they want with it.

 3.  Should a person be limited on what and where they spend their  money?
No cause its their money they earned it

 4.  If the Supreme Court agrees with the McCutcheon  how would this change political campaigning? 
it could make them a little unfair.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

bellringer 10-8-13

1.  Do you agree or disagree with changing the name?  Defend your position in one paragraph.

I really don't know its raciest but at the same time it is. I really don't know how they were even able to create this name if  it was raciest. I don't understand why they are now trying to make a big deal about this. Its just a name yeah its raciest but we should be past this by now.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Response to grandchiled

Growing up in Barbour county I help make a difference in our community. Me and a few other kids tried to clean the community. We tried to stop drugs and fix the schools.

Bellringer 10-7-13

1.. What does this say about our national security?
Its shows us that no matter how tight the security is theres something that can always ways happen
 2.  Are you surprised that something like this could happen in 2013?
Actually yes I am. How they talk you think that they would have fixed security. Cause they say that the security at airports are fail proof.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1 Bellringer

 Write three questions you still have about the shut down

 What causes a shutdown?
Why can't Congress agree?
When would a shutdown begin?