Tuesday, October 15, 2013

people making a differance

Alice Paul- main leader of a woman's right organization, grew up in jersey

Margaret Sanger- she was big into birth control, also a racist

Deganawida- all about spiritual healing and stuff, Great peace maker

Andrew Carnegie- Born in Scotland, Made very good investments

Eva Peron- born on may 7th in 1919, helped woman and the working class and died at 33

Harriet Beecher- born on june 13, mom passed when she was 4

John Keynes- thought that the government should give everyone man, was a bisexual

Francis Willard- working with women rights, know for her help with the 18th and 19th

Eugene Debbs- quiet school at 14 to work, died from a heart frailer, president of American railway union

Betty Williams- co founder of community of peace people, and won the noble peace price

Emmelime Pankhurst- arrested many time for hunger strikes, died a few weeks after British woman was granted rights to vote

Helena Rubinstein- started cosmic line, 1953 established a foundation that helped out with funds for different organizations

Edward Jenner- studied surgery when he was 14, cured smallpox

Deloris Huerta-earned honors, organized farmers

Tagore- 1913 won noble prize, 1941 he died in a friends house

Dorothy Hodgkin-born may 12th 1910, very big chemist

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